2015 KME Brush Truck 300 gallons of water, 10 gallons Class A Foam
2019 Ford F-450 Medix Ambulance
1994 International hydrant truck with a 1000 gpm pump and 300 gallons of water,
1996 KME 1500 gpm pumper-tanker with 3000 gallons of water,
2001 International 1000 gpm tanker-pumper with 2100 gallons of water,
2003 KME 2000 gpm pumper-tanker carrying 1250 gallons of water,
2007 Ford E-450 Braun Type III ambulance.
2010 KME Engine carrying 1000 gallons and a 1500 gpm pumping capacity.
With the above equipment, excellent training and mutual aid from our neighboring fire departments, the Township has a Class 5 Insurance Office Rating for Green Township. This saves the Township residents every year on their fire insurance. All residents are encouraged to confirm that your homeowners policy has the updated rating.
Our Fire Fighters, EMTs, and Paramedic's hold the annual Firemen’s Festival on the 1st. Saturday of August starting at 4:30 pm behind the fire station. A pancake and sausage breakfast is held on the 3rd. Saturday of March from 6:30 am to 11:00 am at the Fire Station. The outstanding support of our community with these fund raisers help purchase equipment and supplies.
The Fire Department is constantly apply for grants to purchase various equipment such as, air cascade fill station, radios, turnout gear. Recent awards have been, LifePack 15s, a brush truck, and WildLand Gear. The Greenford Ruritan help with purchases of equipment and supplies.
During the year of 2020 The Green Township Trustees with the fire department established a day time staffing program. The fire station will have a crew Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. The station is staffed with a minimum crew of a Firefighter, EMT. This has drastically helped with day time work load and response times.
The Fire Department is proud to serve Green Township. If you are 18 years of age and live in Green Township or within 3 mile of the Township and would like to join, please call the Fire Chief, Todd Baird at 330-774-9697 for more information, or Email: tbaird@greentownshipfire.org. We are always looking for help.
For an application to the Fire Department:;Click here
Fire Department Contact Numbers
Station Phone: 330-286-3509
Station Fax: 330-533-4411
Emergency: 330-533-4614 or 9-1-1
Green Township contracts with neighboring Goshen Township for police protection. We believe this contributes to the safety of the officers in being able to always have a back-up officer on shift. Contracting with Goshen Police Department also combines the administrative expenses thereby ensure more revenues are used in the safety of the residents.
The department has approximately 20 sworn Police Officers. In addition to the paid personal, the department has a reserve officer program. All Officers hired by the department start as reserves. They must complete the field training program in order to progress to a part time paid position. The Department patrolled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in Green Township. The Greenford Christian Church contracts separately for traffic control for their services.
Goshen Police District has their office in the Goshen Township Administration Building located at 14003 State
Route 165.
All emergencies should go thru 911 or dispatch can be contacted at 330-332-0547 or 330-740-2370. The web site for the Goshen Police District is www.goshenpd.com. The Police Chief is John Calko who can be emailed at jcalko@goshenpd.com.